What to Take on a Weekend Camping Trip

Summer is the perfect time of year to slip out for several weekend camping trips. Although you can do much more and completely relax if you go into the country for longer breaks, a weekend still gives you a chance to breathe some fresh air and recharge your batteries. Also, …

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How Green is Camping?

Camping seems like a very green way to spend your holidays, and it can be, if it’s done right. Of course, some camping is greener than others – a tent more than a caravan, and hiking and camping trip more than driving, for example. But just how green is it …

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Getting Your Camping Kit Ready for the Season

As winter moves away and buds appear on the trees, the thoughts of a number of people turn to camping season. As spring slowly drifts in, it’s time to be ready to go camping again after a winter of cabin fever. But before you can fill the car and the …

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Just How Popular is Camping?

As anyone who’s waited too long to book a spot on a campsite in summer, only to find there’s no room, knows camping is a very popular pastime. Sometimes it can seem as if it’s too popular, as sites become more and more crowded. Given the economic downturn, it’s likely …

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Camping Expert